Starlight Culture Entertainment Group Ltd.

Sincere love to accompany life
Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility


We treat each one of our staff with respect and equality. Rewards and remuneration are based on personal performance. We believe in cooperation, trust and teamwork. A firm team is the cornerstone of teamwork success.

Ethical Operation

Ethical behaviors increase productivity and result in strengthening staff's sense of responsibility, self-discipline and commitments to safety practice.

Professional Ability Building

Starlight Culture acknowledges that self-value, fairness, professional sustainability and opportunities for personal development are the essential driving forces for excellent staff.

Training and Development

Periodical all-staff training and development regime; plans are formulated from time to time to strengthen leadership and decision-making, and to facilitate personal profession and career development.

Balancing Work and Life

Starlight Culture helps staff to strike a balance between work and life.

Community participation

Starlight Culture repays the communities positively with active support and participation in various charity events, especially events concerning education, children and disadvantaged groups.